The objectives proposed by the association include:

To protect, represent and promote the economic, technical, professional and legal rights of the members, encouraging their autonomy in order to increase and optimize the activity in the area of interest of the Association;
Encourage and support cooperation between members;

Assist members in understanding new requirements, laws and regulations applicable to their activities;

Working with state authorities to establish rules and regulations for the collection, transportation, sorting, processing, preparation for reuse, recycling and recovery of textile waste, marketing of reusable textiles or recycled products, and monitoring the implementation of these rules;

Initiating joint projects;

Representing members' interests to the authorities;

Defense of members' rights and interests against abusive application of laws or administrative measures;

Apărarea drepturilor și intereselor membrilor împotriva aplicării abuzive a legilor sau a măsurilor administrative;

Supporting legislative proposals and regulations necessary for the sustainability and development of the Association's work;

Support promotion, representation and information about the activities of the Association both at home and abroad;

Organizing conferences, seminars and information sessions on new business opportunities and legislative changes in the field;
Support outreach activities and other community initiatives;
Contribute to the development of support structures at local, regional, national and international level, either independently or in collaboration with universities, companies, other NGOs or public authorities;