Our values


Environmental protection

Increasing the percentage of garments that are collected separately, reused or recycled in an environmentally friendly way are the main actions to combat environmental pollution in the textile industry.

Social responsibility

The second-hand clothing trade allows any textile to reach anyone who needs it at an affordable price.

Circular economy

We support the EU's Circular Economy Directive, which stimulates business models that contribute to increasing product lifespan, saving resources and preventing valuable materials from being destroyed as waste.

Each member undertakes to comply with the following requirements of the articles of association:

  1. have a valid environmental permit for waste activities issued by the competent authorities.
  2. not to accept used garments or textiles, which are subject to illegal transboundary shipment of waste, unless explicitly ordered by a governmental supervisory authority;
  3. not to deliver any waste resulting from their activities to any person who does not hold a valid environmental permit for waste-related activities, or who is not entitled to accept such waste according to the law;
  4. not to deliver (trade) waste, including textile waste resulting from their activity, to any natural person for incineration or other uncontrolled disposal;
  5. not to allow any unregulated dumping, abandonment or any other form of illegal destruction of waste resulting from its own activity, nor any pollution of the natural environment.
  6. if the owner of a shop, including an online shop, fails to sell the entire quantity of goods, then that owner is obliged to find solutions for the remaining unsold quantity in accordance with the requirements of waste management legislation.